Caitlin Tough.
Labor Candidate for Brindabella
M | 0405 951 441
As a public health advocate, public servant and mum, Caitlin has the experience and understanding to be a fresh, local representative in Brindabella.
She's lived in Canberra and Tuggeranong for over a decade, moving here when she was 18. She's seen Canberra grow into a strong, vibrant and progressive city, and knows the best way to ensure that our city continues to grow and prosper is to re-elect an ACT Labor Government.
In her mid-teens, Caitlin's mum was diagnosed with cancer and her dad travelled a lot for work. But her community was always there for her, helping keep her life as normal as possible so they could continue going to school and be kids. She'll never forget the support her community offered when she needed it most. That's why for Caitlin, community comes first - and why she'll always work to make her local Tuggeranong community even stronger.
Life experiences have also made her a passionate advocate for women’s health and economic empowerment. She's an Ambassador for Endometriosis Australia, and works to help women get the recognition and treatment they need. Caitlin's seen first-hand the difference local health services make, and that's why she'll always work to make free public healthcare more accessible for every Canberran.
And as a working mum, she's acutely aware of the cost-of-living pressures facing families and the sometimes difficult choices that families face. She'll work to make sure that cost-of-living relief is real and accessible for those who need it, and listen to her community on the best way to deliver it.
And that's why Caitlin's running as a Labor candidate for Brindabella.