18 October 2024
A practical, proven plan for better healthcare
Labor is the party that builds hospitals in Canberra.
We built the Centenary Hospital for women and Children and the University of Canberra Public Hospital.
Recently, we delivered the Critical Services Building at Canberra Hospital, with a bigger emergency department, more operating theatres and an upgraded ICU.
Having completed this project, a re-elected Labor Government will start on the next major health investment - a new northside hospital to serve our growing population.
This critical project will strengthen our healthcare system for decades to come.
It will be a priority project for Labor, with a tender already in market for a construction partner and the main building work due to start in the next term.
While planning for the new northside hospital, we will continue improving the Canberra Hospital in Woden.
The next phase will include a multi-storey carpark on Yamba Drive, a new Yamba Drive entry, a new acute palliative care ward, and expanded endoscopy services.
Labor will invest in more community-based health services and infrastructure so Canberrans can access public health services, closer to home.
We will open four new health centres, staffed by nurses, doctors, and allied health professionals. We will open a medical imaging service to be co-located at the Belconnen Walk-in Centre and we will build a community facility to support people experiencing perinatal mental illness.
It’s a practical, proven plan for the health infrastructure our growing city needs.
We are making it a priority to ensure every Canberran has access to the care they need, where and when they need it.
It’s all part of our progressive, practical and proven plan for Canberra.
Statement ends
Media contact:
Kaarin Dynon 0422 772 215 [email protected]