Anna Whitty.
Labor Candidate for Murrumbidgee
M | 0424 836 367
Anna was born on Ngunnawal country, and although her family moved around on postings growing up, Canberra has always been home.
She's a qualified early childhood teacher and has worked directly with children in early childhood centres. It’s one of the most important roles in our country - yet she'd watch educators join the sector, hopeful and ambitious, only to have the reality of their pay and conditions make it untenable for them to stay. Our children deserve the best education, which requires a stable, professional workforce receiving fair pay and conditions. That's why Anna joined her union and started advocating for children and her co-workers.
Then, as a CEO of a community organisation here in Canberra, Anna learnt how important good and rigorous governance is, and supported teams to make a difference in our community. She's fought for the people in our community who need our support, from birth to end of life. She believes in always acting with integrity, standing up for people, and fighting for fairness and justice.
And that's why Anna's running as a Labor candidate for Murrumbidgee.