Brendan Forde.
Labor Candidate for Brindabella
M | 0450 124 399
Brendan's a dad with a mortgage, a Tuggeranong local and your Labor Candidate for Brindabella.
He grew up in Wanniassa, went to St Anthony’s Parish Primary, and with his partner Sophie, he's now raising his two young kids Emmet and Eliza in Bonython.
Like all families, they want the best for their kids – and for everyone else’s too.
That’s why whether it’s local health services that you can count on or local sports funding for new facilities, Brendan will always advocate for his community to get its fair share.
Tuggeranong’s always been his home – and he wants to see it continue to thrive and grow.
As a fresh, local voice for you and your community, he'll work every day to make it happen.
And that's why Brendan's running as a Labor candidate for Brindabella.