Louise Crossman.
Labor Candidate for Brindabella
M | 0404 925 787
Louise is your new Labor candidate in Brindabella.
She's a local mum living in Kambah, she plays hockey and loves sport, and she's an experienced community advocate.
Louise knows that only Labor has a vision for Canberra’s future. It's more than an infrastructure vision, because it goes to the heart of Canberra as a community.
It's about where Canberrans will live, how they will get around our city, and what people will do for work and for leisure. And Louise will make sure that we continue to be well-connected to jobs, to services, and to each other.
She's long been a big believer in making it easy for people to access government services, so she'll continue to advocate for policy solutions and infrastructure that provide this connection.
And she knows to make Labor’s broader vision a reality, we need representatives who are willing to listen, to advocate, and to make brave decisions.
Because by listening and understanding – we’ll make better decisions. All of Louise's experience through her professional life has been in listening and in advocacy.
And that’s why Louise's running as a Labor candidate for Brindabella.